Here is regular Sumac which has already flowered and is developing fruit now.

The "berries" are very showy in my opinion. What's odd though is that this tree wasn't more common. The Winged Sumac were all over the place but this was the only odd ball of the bunch.

What I think is a Black Cherry was also growing. I haven't properly identified it though so we'll say Prunus sp. The berries on these trees are an excellent source of food for birds, especially for summer and fall.

I believe some sort of jam can be made from the fruit. I'm not daring enough to try it.

Some type of Crabapple, Malus sp, was growing wildly. This is more of a fall and winter food source for birds. Though I can't speak for this tree I know from the one I have in my yard that the fruit stais on the tree for most of the winter. It also looks great after a snowfall. I believe they stay on the tree for so long because they don't tast great.
Wintering birds go for what tastes best first so assorted berry plants slowly lose their winter interest in the order of best tasting. I think these are average.

A Bradford Pear which escaped cultivation was also fruiting here. Artificial Trees made entirely out of plastic are just as useful as these trees. I don't understand why strip malls don't just buy plastic trees. Instead they have to go with these weak wood trees that don't offer anything to the environment.