Here's how the view is from our back deck. Worthy of any holiday card if it wasn't for our neighbor's ... uhh bomb shelter, storage unit, metal box thing? I think it came with their house actually.

The view out the front isn't much better. I do love how the snow covers the side of the trees though. You almost don't notice the telephone polls and power lines that are ruining views the world over.

That Junco came back to feed at the bird feeder. We have it right next to our front door so we get to see the birds up close, when we're not spooking the hell out of them. I wish I knew what was attracting this bird. I've turned to "Backyard Bird Secrets for Every Season" by Sally Roth but it's not one of the birds she really highlights. Oh well.
Second Announcement, I've removed the ability to comment. Apparently selling aquaponic systems is such a scam world wide or so undersold that sellers are desperate to spam and promote their grossly expensive products! Seriously, someone just design a cheap waterproof flower bed that can fit conventional tanks; market it as a natural way to filter the water and grow your own food and you'll be set for life!
The aquaponic system I have for my tank is keeping the water clean. All the plants, despite their size are removing enough of the minerals and nitrates from the water that things like algae aren't really growing in the tank. It's only been a month and a half and I may have to invest in some snails or an algae eater down the road. But I've had the water tested twice now and everything is balancing out. It's actually really freaky to have a fish tank without a filter on it.
I might bring Comments back at a later date. Until then we're giving them a rest.
Third, sorry for all the youtube videos. I try to pick topical videos as fillers until I'm able to post my own topics. And keeping with that tradition here is a nice video from someone I subscribe to. Basically it's what I wish I could be doing right now, but she's a little crazy to be growing things indoors now for where she is in the country. She's a little early I think but Ok.