here just a sec. It's a NASA satellite photo of the east coast. My house is a white dot somewhere in southern NJ, closer to PA. All that snow we got was impressive enough to be viable from space. In some parts of the world that's not uncommon but I can't remember the last time we got this much snow. For the past couple of years it's snowed here maybe twice and almost always in January or February. And it's was never anything really worth noting. It would be 4 inches ... or so the weather man would say and we'd get a dusting that would be gone later that day.
So going back to my yard, earlier photos were taken while the snow was coming down.



There is still plenty out there for the birds to eat, it's just a lot of the smaller plants like Coreopsis, and most of the Coneflowers are under the snow. They'll just get eaten later on. Also the Coreopsis variety I have doesn't get very tall.

Black Eye'd Susan's are still up in abundance.

Most of the yard though is a barren waste land. Pretty but useless... unless you like snowmen.