Trillium simile is my favorite Trillium I think. If I were given the choice to have a cultivar named after me or piece of jewelry be made or even just decorating a cake, I think I'd want it to be of this flower.
It's a pretty little thing that I only have two of, only one of which flowered this year. There's something about these cream white anthers against the deep red pistil and the white petals against the spearmint green sepals. I need to transplant them out of their current garden, which I intend to do later this August. It's just too dry there over the summer and the seed pods shrivel up. I shouldn't have to water a native plant every day so clearly the conditions are wrong.
Earlier this year (February I think) I transplanted these Trillium luteum with excellent results. A second plant (not in this photo) didn't do so well. It is green growing just nowhere near as well as the other.
Also it's my birthday. :)