I was out planting the prairie garden and every now and then I took a short break to see what's flowering around the yard.
Hepatica sp. |
This is still blooming from a few weeks ago. It's mostly past it's prime but I still love it.
Twinleaf, Jeffersonia diphylla |
Twinleaf is notorious for it's short lived flowers. I will be amazed if it still has all it's petioles tomorrow.
Spring Beauty, Claytonia virginica |
Spring Beauty has just started flowering today. The blooms are only slightly larger than those of a Bluet. I wish they were a little more pink but they're pretty all the same. I should get lots of flowers out of these by the end.
Jacob's Ladder, Polemonium reptans |
One of the plants going in the prairie garden is Jacob's Ladder. Of 10 or so plants I found one of them had started blooming. I think May is more appropriate a time for them to bloom but this is welcome all the same. Hopefully the prairie grows well and I'll have more blooms to report back with later in the summer.