Two years ago I planted a couple of Crocuses in the lawn. A patch of these flowers came up and it looked nice. Here is a picture of the patch last year.
And here is a the patch today.
Now let's zoom out some.
Most of these I personally planted two years ago and they've been spreading nicely. Squirrels, though, have been digging them up some and replanting them elsewhere. Out front I have a few daffodils planted along the roots to an old cherry tree we have.
They're the tall grass bits and haven't filled in at all, or bloomed yet. But...
Apparently the squirrels decided to plant a crocus out there too.
I have them in patches to make garden boarders. I think it's time I introduced some native wildflowers though.
Natives that I wish had better common names like:
Pussy Toe, Antennaria
Pasque flower, Pulsatilla
Spring Beauty, Claytonia virginica
All of which grow short enough to be planted in lawn area, and bloom about now. I had planted pussy toe last fall but I think the harsh winter did them in. Oh well. I'll try seeding next time.